
Visioning Kit
E-Book & Podcast

Start, deepen or rediscover visioning with these tools

Plus, advance notice of

telecourses, circles & trainings


Support the Vision


This ministry was founded on the spiritual laws of giving, reciprocity, circulation and intentional co-creation.


Your tax-deductible donations make it possible for us to keep our visioning retreats and circles donation-based and our tuition-based courses affordable.
Thank you for supporting our vision of providing 'a sacred space where visioning takes place' accessible to all. May the gifts of your treasures, time, and talents be returned to you multiplied.



Donate to Higher Vision Center


All donations are tax-deductible. We are recognized as 501(c)(3) through our affiliation with Centers for Spiritual Living.



DONATE ONLINE: You can confidently donate online knowing that your information, personal and financial, is safe and secure:



Your online transaction is 100% secure



AUTO-TITHE: If you'd like to set up an auto-tithe weekly, bi-weekly or monthly, please contact us.



DONATE BY MAIL: Mail your tax-deductible donation to Higher Vision Center for Conscious Living: 2601-C Blanding Avenue, #308| Alameda, CA 94501.


We tithe! At least ten percent of what we receive goes to organizations and individuals who inspire us and whose work nurtures the spiritual unfolding of this ministry and the world.


If you have any questions or would like to make your donation by phone, please feel free to contact us.


Phone 510-761-5463 (PT)
Site Created by J Stewart Designs